Monday, November 22, 2010

Welcome To Azeroth! Now What?

By Fransisco Brevoort

Starting Out

You will be dumped into a starting area based on the character you have selected. You can run around a bit to get familiar with the game but your first order of business is to talk with all the important townsfolk. Who is important? Anyone with a giant punctuation mark over their head! Talk to as many people as you can with exclamation marks to gather quests. There is eventually a limit on how many quests you can have at once but you sure will not hit that limit in your starting zone so load up!

Overarching Strategy

The main goal in World of Warcraft is to increase your character's power efficiently. Because of this, your main goal is going to be finding faster and better ways of leveling up. Along the way, you will also want to upgrade your equipment, carefully choose your talent point distribution, and figure out the best skill setup for your character. But all of that power relies on leveling up your character so your job is to do so as swiftly as possible.

Quest Is Best

Although you do get some experience for killing random monsters, it has been proven that the fastest way to gain levels is to complete the many quests available in the world. This is because the quest rewards are generally higher than the monster-killing rewards, and quests mostly involve killing monsters anyway so you can be getting both rewards at once.

In fact, doing two things at once should be your main strategy when it comes to questing. That's why you want to get as many quests as possible at the beginning. Once you wander out of your starting camp, you want to be able to kill beasts for one quest at the same time you are harvesting cacti for another quest since they're both in the same area. If you get quests separately, you'll run in circles fulfilling them and waste lots of time.

Setting Out

Take all the quests you can, and then find the nearest spot on your map where you can begin working on the yellow or green quests. From the starting zone, this is in the area right next to it, making this very easy. Enter the quest area, look at your goals and focus on completing your quests. Do not run back to town once you finish a single quest unless it's necessary; instead, complete any other quests in the same area. Kill the wolves, loot the fur, gather plants, slay spiders and so on. This will let you to maximize your experience and gold rewards for the amount of time you spend.

After you have finished up all the quests you can in your area, it's time to go back and turn them in. Look for NPCs with a Question Mark over their head. You will get gold and experience as a reward and sometimes an item as well. Once you have turned all your quests in, you may see new exclamation points. That means it's time to pick up more quests and repeat this process!

Looking Forward

Once you can't get any more quests in your area, and especially if you have a deliver quest, then it's time to move to a different zone. You should be able to find the next area easily on your map, since one of your quests should lead you there. Once you enter the new area, there will be new NPCs with quests for you, and you can repeat the process again.

"I Keep Dying!"

Here are some quick tips to help stem the flow of blood:

- Play with friends. Not only is WOW more fun when you play with friends, it is also easier!

- Try to get a pickup group. You can ask people in your region if anyone wants to group up for your current quest. Simply type "/1 LFG to kill Murlocs at the Pond" and you will alert everyone in your region that you are looking for a group to kill that specific monster.

- Watch your aggro. Try to avoid being seen by many mobs at once and fight one at a time. You will do much better that way.

- If all else fails, stick to green quests. These will be easier for you.

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