Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What's the future of PCs

By Josh Pinias

What's the next massive thing computers are going to do for us and in turn change and improve our lives? They already do so much for us. There are still those folks today who find it very difficult to accept that a PC does half the things it does.

For example who'd have thought that you might chat with a pal on the opposite side of the world and not only hear them but see them? Failed to you want a satellite to do that sort of thing? Who'd have thought it possible that you might buy things with a PC? Infact there's so much you can do with a PC that you do not even have to leave your home.

The way things are heading this may become normal. No longer have you got to go in to the office to work. What this implies is a ladies who takes a little time off to be with her newly born will not be as isolated as she used to be.

The computer market is one that is worth many billions of greenbacks. Virtually each household round the world has 1 PC and doubtless more. That suggests the PC makers are going to spend millions on research and development to try to come out with the second best gigantic thing. This could gain them a larger piece of that pie.

There isn't any doubt of any sort that folk love PCs that are the best at what they do. They need the speediest and the best. They desire one that's got a lot of memory and they want one that may do everything and then some.

Perhaps one day there'll be some PCs that act on voice recognition. So you would say something similar to,"Open this folder" and it might open it. Where you formerly wrote something in short document you might now dictate to the PC and it might write everything down for you.

Like anything with the PC for now there would be language limits. It might start as English and it might potentially take some time till something similar to this was available in all languages. It requires a long time to program and develop something similar to this and its commercially feasible in English as that's what the great majority of the world speaks but then over time you would see the rest of the languages are introduced.

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